Infertility is a major life crisis for 1 in 6 couples.

For these women and men fighting infertility, the experience and journey involves many hidden
losses for the individuals, their loved ones and society as a whole, including:

  • Loss of the pregnancy and the birth experience;
  • Loss of sharing your life and love with a child;
  • Loss of a genetic legacy and loss of future contributing citizens to
    the next generation;
  • Loss of the parenting experience;
  • Loss of a grandparent relationship;
  • Low feelings of self-worth;
  • Loss of stability in family and personal relationships;
  • Loss of work productivity;
  • and Loss of a sense of spirituality and sense of hope for the future.

Because infertility often involves major personal life issues and decisions, it is often experienced as a private matter and is not ordinarily discussed
in public forums.

Infertility has a strong impact on self-esteem.

Suddenly your life, which may have been well-planned and successful, seems out-of-control.

Not only is your physical body not responding as expected but it feels as if your entire life is on hold.
Facing the disappointment of not becoming pregnant month after month can lead to depression for both you and your

The personal and often private nature of the infertility experience and journey contributes to the failure of the public, politicians, healthcare
professionals and the media recognizing infertility as a disease. This causes a lack of sound knowledge and available resources about infertility.

It is important that you don’t go through this alone & recognise infertility is not rare.

If you are concerned or not coping, speak with the team at Coastal IVF who provide support for
many couples or individuals facing the same issues.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, please seek help and access resourced provided by Beyond Blue at:


  • 07 5443 4301

  • Coastal IVF,
    Level 4,
    Esplanade and Second Avenue,
    QLD, Australia

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We’re here for you the entire way. 

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