Tubal and uterine causes
In Vitro Fertilisation was initially developed to treat women with blocked and damaged tubes. Surgery for blocked tubes has been traditionally fairly unsuccessful as there is usually damage to the inner lining of the tube and while it is reasonably simple to get the tube permanently opened it does not function correctly. Where a tube has been blocked surgically as in a sterilisation, reversal of this sterilisation procedure is often appropriate, especially with the newer methods of clip sterilisation. In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer becomes an appropriate therapy for most women with tubal blockage due to prior infection and some women who have been previously sterilised.
Uterine causes
Uterine causes of infertility are rare but some women will have intra-uterine adhesions due to prior intra-uterine surgery or prior infection.

In our society 5-10% of couples have difficulty conceiving.
Common Causes of Infertility
When should I seek advice about fertility?
If any of these apply to you, please make an appointment to see us at Coastal IVF.
- Have you been trying to conceive for more than 6 months?
- Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis?
- Has your partner had a vasectomy?
- Are you over the age of 35?
- Is your menstrual cycle short, irregular or prolonged
Did you know? Failure to conceive is often the only symptom of endometriosis. Early investigation means early diagnosis and more effective treatment.